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emme de mamá

The book that changed my approach to motherhood - emme

The book that changed my approach to motherhood

The book that changed my approach to motherhood - emme

The book that changed my approach to motherhood

“I am Malala”  arrived into my home like a pleasant surprise three years ago. Like the best things in life it was an unexpected gift but definitely needed. At that time, my daughter was an infant, ...

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The ideal swimsuit - emme

The ideal swimsuit

My favorite trick to choosing a swimsuit begins at home. I have a conversation with myself in the mirror before going shopping. An honest discussion that you can only have with your best friend, an...

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Have you had a Mom Vacation? - emme

Mom Vacations: 5 tips para mamás que sueñan con unas vacaciones sin niños

Si nunca has oído hablar del termino, unas Mom Vacations o Vacaciones de Mamá son un viaje que haces sola, sin hijos, sin pareja e incluso si quieres sin compañía alguna.

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I can’t live without my uniform! - emme

I can’t live without my uniform!

Mornings at my house are a race against the clock, looking in the mirror sometimes seems a luxury. The perfect outfit days are a distant memory of the pre-motherhood time.

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